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【時間:2015年03月09日】 【來源:審計署辦公廳】字號: 【大】 【中】 【小】
    近日,《歐洲審計組織雜志》(《EUROSAI Magazine》)第20期刊載了中國審計署審計長劉家義作為世界審計組織主席撰寫的主題文章“以創(chuàng)新有效的方式傳遞審計信息”。





世界審計組織主席、中國審計署審計長 劉家義






Liu Jiayi Auditor General of the SAI of China
Chairman of INTOSAI’s Governing Board

    A message of audit results is the refined output of SAIs, as well as an important channel to bring the roles of auditing into full play. In accordance with the law and on behalf of the taxpayers, audit institutions oversees utilization of public funds, exercise of public power, and performance of public servants. By finding facts, disclosing problems, and making recommendations, auditors provide timely, objective and reliable information consisting of messages of audit results. These messages can facilitate the implementation of various governance policies and measures, and provide a solid basis for strengthening accountability.
    At present, in face of the upsurge of informatization and globalization, and in response to emerging needs of modernizing national governance systems and practices, auditors must convey their message of audit results in an innovative and effective way.
    The following are some thoughts on how this can be achieved.
    At present, in face of the upsurge of informatization and globalization, and in response to emerging needs of modernizing national governance systems and practices, auditors must convey their message of audit results in an innovative and effective way
    Communication of the message of audit results should be targeted at serving national governance, under guidance of a rational audit concept. Originated as a response to the needs of national governance, the national audit system is a cornerstone and guarantee of national governance. The orientation of audit is determined by the targets of national governance and the audit system is formed following suit of the mode of national governance. Therefore, the message of audit results must be authoritative and credible, and should be communicated with the purpose of promoting good national governance, featuring the unique strength of the public audit profession in its independence, professionalism and institutionalisation.
    ? the message of audit results must be authoritative and credible, and should be communicated with the purpose of promoting good national governance, featuring the unique strength of the public audit profession in its independence, professionalism and institutionalisation ?
    Meanwhile, capping to the trend of globalization, SAIs shall not only provide information in a timely and effective manner to the stakeholders at home to foster a favorable environment for national development, but also voluntarily enhance sharing of experience and knowledge across national borders for achieving a concerted voice and common progress of the public audit profession.
    Audit methods should be improved to ensure high-quality messages of audit results.
    The quality of information of audit results depends on quality of audit work.
    Therefore SAIs should manage to:
    ? stick to the principle of independence and guard against any interference or bonds of the interest, to ensure their audit message is objective and impartial;
    ? foster a law-binding environment for auditing and regulate the behavior of auditors, to ensure the audit message is truthful and accurate;
    ? carry out comprehensive audit combining both compliance audit and performance audit. In case of major issues, SAIs may carry out audit in a dynamic real-time manner to cover the entire process, aiming at disclosing potential risks by communicating timely and effective audit messages;
    ? produce highly relevant information by putting forward constructive recommendations for systemic improvement, covering both micro and macro perspectives, and ensure that serious acts in violation of laws can be detected and punished;
        the National Audit Office of China (CNAO) carried out some real-time audit projects, including the disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction and restoration work audit after the Wenchuan Earthquake, the Beijing Olympics Games construction projects audit, and the nationwide governmental debts audit
    In recent years, the National Audit Office of China (CNAO) carried out some real-time audit projects, including the disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction and restoration work audit after the Wenchuan Earthquake, the Beijing Olympics Games construction projects audit, and the nationwide governmental debts audit.
    CNAO communicated results of these audits timely, and made a number of meaningful and constructive recommendations, which were widely recognized as high quality information promoting social-economical progress.
    Information and communication technology should be used in conveying message of audit results on the basis of a digital audit information communication system. With the development of modern information and communication technology and the emergence of innovative management patterns, SAIs must encourage the application and dissemination of such emerging technologies as ‘cloud computing’, ‘mass data’, analog simulation and intelligent analysis, and promote digitalized communication of the message of audit results;
    ? look for new ways of audit project management, enabling fast flow of information and better efficiency of information transfer;
    ? Find new channels for conveying the message of audit results, combining traditional and emerging communication media, for a better coverage;
    ? Strengthen international exchanges and knowledge sharing on audit message communication, promote discussion and cross boundary communication of a common voice of the audit community on various issues such as good governance at the national level.
    At the juncture of the information era, communication of high-quality message of audit results in a highly efficient manner by SAIs, is vital for the future development of the public audit profession and for the SAIs to fulfill their roles in strengthening good national governance.
    CNAO, in its capacity as the Chair of INTOSAI’s Governing Board, is committed to work jointly with the entire INTOSAI community, for achieving effective communication of the message of audit results, and for achieving the common goal of all SAIs in promoting good national governance, as was stipulated in the Beijing Declaration on Promotion of Good Governance by Supreme Audit Institutions, adopted at the XXI INCOSAI.
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