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【時間:2015年09月18日】 【來源:審計(jì)署辦公廳】字號: 【大】 【中】 【小】











































Material No.4 for the Press Conference of The State Council Information Office

Background information on pilot audit of outgoing leading officials’ natural resources/assets accountability

17th September 2015

prepared by National Audit Office

The Decision adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China stated audit of outgoing leading officials’ natural resources/assets accountability should be conducted as an important reform measure to promote ecological progress. According to the arrangement of the Central Committee, the National Audit Office (CNAO) is responsible for leading the implementation of this task, and, together with relevant departments, jointly drafted the “Pilot Plan on Implementing Audit of Outgoing Leading Officials’ Natural Resources/Assets Accountability”, hereinafter referred to as the Pilot Plan. Details are as follows:

I. The general status of resources and environmental auditing in recent years

The CNAO attaches great importance to the audit of natural resources and environmental protection, and carried out, in recent years, audits of land and mineral resources management, audits of the implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction policies and environmental protection policies, as well as audits of water pollution prevention measures. These audits involve various important natural resources like water, land, minerals, forests, seas and oceans, and cover various aspects including waste disposal, ecological protection, energy conservation and emission reduction. In the accountability audits of leading officials, the use of natural resources and the protection of environment are important contents of audit. Due attention was given to the environmental performances of managing and decision making activities related to leading officials’ accountability fulfillment. These audit results showed that natural resources and environment auditing has played an active role in preventing damage of natural resources and environmental pollution, and is becoming an efficient measure in promoting natural resources and environmental protection. Faithfully implementing the decisions of the 3rd plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and carrying out audit of outgoing leading officials’ natural resources accountability, are very important to enhance ecological progress and promote ecological environment management reform, so as to increase the capacity and value of audit.

In the mean time, the CNAO has been actively promoting the development of environmental auditing worldwide. Since 2000, the CNAO has taken up the responsibilities as the Chair of the Environmental Auditing Committee of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) and the member of the Steering Committee of the Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), and has been pushing ahead international communications on environmental auditing through hosting and organizing a lot of workshops and seminars, as well as participating in and organizing international conferences on environmental auditing. Especially since 2013, when the CNAO assumed the chairmanship of INTOSAI Governing Board, the CNAO has encouraged supreme audit institutions worldwide to strengthen their audits of sustainable development and environmental protection, making greater contributions to environmental protection worldwide.

II. The drafting status of the Pilot Plan

The audit of outgoing leading officials' natural resources/assets accountability is a completely new task of reform with no established experiences for reference. In order to implement the audit in an orderly way, the CNAO carried out thorough surveys and researches, and jointly prepared the Pilot Plan with the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, National Bureau of Statistics, and State Forestry Administration. The Pilot Plan was drafted on the basis of: 1) practical experiences drawn from the natural resources and environmental audits conducted by the CNAO in recent years, including the audits of earmarked funds for the purposes of exploitation, utilization and protection of lands, minerals, forest, grasslands, maritime and water resources, as well as the audits of the funds for water pollution prevention, energy conservation and emission reduction, and efficient utilization of resources and energy; 2) making references to the regulatory documents of "Regulations for Accountability Audit of Principal Leading Cadres of the Party, the Government and State-Owned Enterprises" and their implementation rules, and assimilating its established practices on audits of the exploitation, utilization and protection of natural resources/assets, and audits of ecology protection; 3) summarizing experiences from the experimental audits of outgoing leading officials' natural resources/assets accountability, which have been carried out since 2014. The difficulties met in the experimental audit and issues to be clarified, for example, the subject, content and methodology of audit, are clarified and regulated in the Pilot Plan.

III. The guidance of the audit of outgoing leading officials' natural resources/assets accountability

In line with the relevant central government principles and requests, the guidance of the audit of outgoing leading official's natural resources/assets accountability is: faithfully implement the principles of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as its 3rd and 4th plenary sessions, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Thoery, the important thought of the Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development, and deeply implement the essence of the series key speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, deeply considering the actual situation of natural resources/assets exploitation and utilization, and ecological and environmental protection, conduct audits focusing on leading officials' accountability for natural resources/assets management and ecological and environmental protection, so as to encourage leading officials forging reasonable outlook on development and correct view on administrative performance, and to promote ecological development.

IV. The procedures of carrying out audit of outgoing leading officials' natural resources/assets accountability

The audits will start with pilot projects and will be implemented in due orders. The pilot stage covers 3 phases:

First phase, the launch of pilot audits, and adoption of “Pilot Plan on Implementing Audit of Outgoing Leading Officials’ Natural Resources/Assets Accountability” in 2015;

Second phase, expanding the scale of pilot audit, the CNAO will organize and guide some local audit institutions to conduct pilot audit projects in 2016;

Third phase, pilot audits will be in full scale in 2017, and "Provisional Regulations on Audit of Outgoing Leading Officials’ Natural Resources/Assets Accountability" will be prepared and adopted;

From 2018, entrusted by the Party organization departments, audit institutions of all levels will conduct audit of outgoing leading officials according to the mandate of personnel management, and make it a routine audit.

For the year 2015 and 2016, the task of pilot audits will be: the CNAO will carry out audits in some regions; organized and implemented by provincial audit institutions, local audit institutions will choose some pilot audits based on their actual context. The Pilot Plan points out that in the two-year piloting audit period, the CNAO should strengthen experiences learning, explore and establish a set of mature, applicable working regulations on audit contents, audit techniques and methods, audit assessment, holding to account, as well as the use of audit results, so as to lay a foundation for establishing a routine audit system.

V. The mode and focus of audit of outgoing leading officials’ natural resources/assets accountability

The pilot plan states that some principles should be followed in the conduct of audit of outgoing leading officials’ natural resources/assets accountability as follows:

-- adaption to local condition and steady progress: The contents and focus of audit should be determined according to both the characteristics of natural resources/assets endowment and priority of ecological environment protection in various regions so as to ensure audits are well-targeted.

-- emphasis is to hold to account: The physical output (both quantity and quality) of natural resources/assets as reflected in the balance sheet as well as the status of environmental quality should be an important basis to evaluate the performance of accountability of leading officials for natural resources/assets management and environmental protection. The emphasis should be placed to holding to account.

-- Learning from the experiences timely: The experiences should be summed up and further disseminated in a timely manner along with the pilot process, and develop audit methodology based on practical experiences.

The main objects of the pilot audit are leading officials of the Party and local governments at various levels. Key areas cover the resources of land, water and forest, the ecological management of mines, the prevention and control of air pollution, etc. The focus of the audit should be the leading officials' accountability for the management of natural resources/assets and ecological environmental protection during their tenure of office.

VI. The organization and leadership of the audit of leading officials' accountability for natural resources/assets

By large, the pilot audit should be based on the indicator system on resources and environment developed by competent authorities by which the auditors conduct the verification through relevant methodologies and holding to account according to the law, and make evaluations in a comprehensive and objective manner. In this regard, some necessary tasks need to be carried out as soon as possible before the conduct of audit of leading officials' accountability for natural resources/assets in a comprehensive way, including: pilot compilation of balance sheet on natural resources/assets; establishment and improvement of systems on property right of natural resources/assets, administration and supervision of natural resources/assets, establishment of Main Function Areas and land spatial development systems, accountability for ecological environmental damages and the corresponding compensation practices; the improvement of systems for the registration and protection objective responsibility of natural resources/assets; and building of evaluation criterion for the administration and protection of natural resources/assets. For this purpose, the Pilot Plan points out:

-- the CNAO, as the leading department, should strengthen the overall planning of the pilot audit of leading officials' accountability for natural resources/assets, conduct targeted guidance and professional training effectively, enhance the investigation and researches, and solve the problems and difficulties encountered during in the process of pilot audit in a coordinated manner.

-- the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Bureau of Statistics, Bureau of Forestry, and other participating departments should intensify their support and collaboration with the audit, speed up relevant reforms, and provide professional assistance and institutional guarantee to the pilot audit.

-- The Party and local governments at various levels should reinforce the leadership of the pilot audit in their respective region, timely hear the report on the pilot audit from local audit institutions, promote the smooth progress of the pilot audit, accept and cooperate with the audit conducted by audit institutions at higher levels. The Party organization departments should strengthen the necessary support to guarantee the smooth implementation of the pilot audit.

The publication of the Pilot Plan will offer important support to the building and improvement of the systems of ecological civilization, held to ensure the leading officials at various levels to better perform their accountability for natural resources/assets administration and ecological environmental protection, and make positive contribution for the development of ecological progress.

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